Thursday, November 26, 2009

Checking in and growing babies

Since the patches, all my Riverview relationships are tanking like crazy. I'm suddenly getting swamped with "so and so aren't friends anymore" messages. Everybody has a stir crazy moodlet from not getting out of their houses. Some people's skills are messed up or gone, so I stopped taking notes and tracking skill levels. Story progression, whether due to the patches or not, is messing with my families, too. Daddies have moved out, people have moved out of their houses. I quit and restart and it's back to normal. Weird. The babies  keep randomly disappearing when I switch households, both their body from the house and their thumbnail from the screen. I have to wait for somebody to interact with them before they reappear.

Menuchah finally started taking care of all her dying plants. She won't harvest them, though.

She manages to look graceful and stunning even when she's getting her hands dirty in the garden.

I saw Sam and AJ doing a flirty little dance at the pub. At the instant I snapped the picture, Sam shot me a LOOK.

I sent Rachel to introduce herself. She and AJ were pleased to discover they're both the athletic type. Old Sammy was in a dancing mood that day. He danced with AJ, then with Rachel, then by himself. I gave Rachel a trait and clothing makeover so she could become the Lara Craft clone I'd envisioned her to be.

All the babies were about to age up and I didn't want to miss anything, so I went ahead and aged them up myself. I ran out of time to play today, so I'll just post the first batch of toddler pics for now.

Sharla Sharma

Freddie (Alexander) Walker
"Here I am, World!"

Carter (Dean) Townsend

Andrea (Anderson) Grant

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Oh, those doting daddies

Well, I lost a couple of sim days in the last crash. Shame, because some of my sims did some amusing things. I apologize in advance to all readers if and when this happens again. It could result in some minor inconsistencies in the storyline, but I'm afraid there's nothing I can do about it.

It's no coincidence that I have almost nothing but pictures of daddies with their babies. This is the most baby-crazy town I've ever seen. And in every household, it's the men who play mommy. Hardly anybody did anything else worth taking a picture of.

When we left off last time, we'd just had a massive party at the Sharma's that I was afraid was going to turn into an orgy with all that flirting.

Now it's Ronnie's turn in the spotlight. He's gained 3 athletic levels since I saw him last. I found him on his way to shop at the bookstore. He didn't buy anything, but while he was in there Sam and AJ showed up and he went over to talk to them. I'm glad to see him getting out and meeting people. I don't know why he's been so shy with people until now. Sam and AJ think he's a good guy and tells a heck of a joke.

After the first round of classes, I've resisted sending them to any more, but I have been buying them skill building objects when they ask for them so they can skill on their own. Ronnie, inspired no doubt by his recent visit to the art gallery, wanted to learn painting, so I bought him an easel and he made good use of it. His triple threat of artistic, neurotic, and insane traits ought to produce some interesting artwork.

Max stayed home all day working on his skills and chatting to Rachel on the phone. He was halfway to level 3 on the guitar and sounding pretty good by bed time.

I visited the Townsend household next. At some point (back in one of the games that didn't crash) I forgot to turn aging and sp off when switching households, so no more toddler pics of Stephanie. Sorry, Steph. The first order of business was to redecorate the kids' room to include some big girl furniture, and to give Stephanie some decent clothes. She rolled insane for her third trait, which is awfully cute in a child.

She loves to read as much as her mom does, even though she doesn't officially have the bookworm trait. She also sometimes washes dishes that are left lying around though she doesn't have the neat trait. I even caught her cleaning the toilet. Maybe her parents are just good role models.

They spent a nice, quiet day at home working on various skills. Talia taught herself to paint and Stephanie began teaching herself to play chess. Tyler ... well, Tyler worked on his Playing with Babies skill and his Foosball skill.

They're really good parents. They have lots of conversations with Stephanie, and they race to see who can get to Carter first when he needs something or when they both want to play with him. So far, Tyler wins every time. He's a very hands on daddy.

At the Grant house, Sam gained a cooking level, even if he did burn the hell out of the waffles. They ate them anyway. He and AJ are also racing to see who gets to the baby first, and it's no surprise that Sam gets there first. As expected, he can hardly keep his hands off her.

Wyatt and Lexie's baby boy is named Alexander. He's a genius and he loves the outdoors. I moved them in with Wyatt and William because they had an extra room for the baby. William immediately wanted to give Alexander his bottle. He's going to be a good uncle.

William had a new guitar and was dying to show it off by playing in the park. Lexie was stir crazy from being stuck indoors with an infant, so I let them both go to the park. Lexie changed her mind at the last minute and went to bed. She was exhausted.

Wyatt is looking at Alexander like he's thinking, "Whoa. Look at what I did."


And William is just plain in love. I wonder if having a baby around will give him any ideas?


Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's party time

Menuchah didn't ask me for any skill classes last time, so I sent her to the handiness and cooking classes she wanted.

I was beginning to despair of her ever getting out and meeting anybody, but after class, to my relief, I finally saw some activity on the streets and sent her over to introduce herself to AJ, Talia and Larry. Talia had to leave, but Larry and AJ stayed to chat. Menuchah told them about a strange old lady called Amy Foster who she suspects of being an undercover alien.

They spent so much time standing there talking that it started getting late, so I had her take the whole group with her across the street for a refreshing dip in the pool and then to Hogan's to eat. You know how hungry swimming makes you. She had ratatouille, and was clever enough to figure out how to make just from tasting it. I saw Larry come out alone, but Menuchah and AJ stayed for drinks. They got along well and are already friends. Tyler came in for a dinner alone, so I made her cut her drink short so she could meet him too.

Rachel has gotten out and met Max and Becky and some new people named Harold Lansing and Melisa Quiroz.

Rachel's house is so cool and bizarre. It's like a maze. I couldn't have possibly built a better house for her.

She wanted to make friends with somebody, so I had her invite Max and Becky to Plumpuddle Park. Sam crashed the party, and a more welcome party crasher I can't imagine! Everyone had a good time and pronounced the party "awesome." Unfortunately for Rachel, however, Max and Becky spent the whole afternoon dancing with each other, so Rachel left without any new official friends, but with one new acquaintance, and went home elated.

What do you know? Rachel has a ghost on her property! While she was sleeping, he came in and took a bath (do you suppose he was trying to wash off the soot from the fire that killed him?) and then possessed some of the household furnishings for a while.

I think he looks young and a little sad.

Becky and Larry are very happy together, and very affectionate. Becky's a good mother. I bet it won't be long before there's another little one in that house.

They also appear to be the most social sims in my neighborhood. Between the two of them, I think they know almost everybody. For that reason, I thought it was time for another party.

William and Menuchah seem to be hitting it off.

As do Lexie and Wyatt. I looked away from them so quickly I almost didn't catch them flirting.

AJ and Sam did some flirting of their own. It was quite a party.

I visited William and Wyatt next. Well, well. I see now why Wyatt and Lexie were so flirty at the party. From my point of view they'd just met, but they're engaged now.

Is this a total bachelor pad, or what?

Lexie called to invite Wyatt over, so I made him go to her house after finishing his waffles. He got a wish to read a pregnancy book, and we know what that means! William went to check himself out in the mirror again.

What amused me about this picture is that the book on the ground behind Lexie, which she must have been reading when Wyatt arrived, is Committment Issues. Lexie looks VERY pregnant even though she wasn't showing at the party yesterday. I guess their bellies don't show in their swimsuits. I don't think she'll make it through the night.

That's all there's time for now. Next time we'll have a look at the new baby and visit the rest of the neighborhood..

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Baby pictures

Just a quick check up on everybody today, to see all the babies. I'll try to do a longer visit with each family tomorrow.

I visited the Townsend household first because Talia is going to have her baby any minute, and it's Stephanie's birthday.

 daddy's girl

The heir to the Townsend name, little Carter was born in the middle of the night. Aren't they always? He's brave but absent minded. This boy could be good luck. With his birth, Talia earned enough lifetime happiness points for a reward. (I didn't get her one; I'm not sure if I'm going to get them lifetime rewards or not.) He's also the first boy baby.

I don't know nuthin 'bout birthin' no babies!!

He's very alert and animated. I don't often see sim babies doing anything but lying there like lumps. Or, as one simmer put it, looking like big cigars.

AJ and Sam's little darling is  named Andrea. She's excitable and brave. I almost thought AJ was pregnant again already because who wears highheels with a nightgown? But I watched her until she changed clothes, and she's not.

Worsie, run and get your daughter!

I was right about Becky having a baby by the next time I looked. They had a little girl named Sharla. I didn't name her, but I like the alliteration Sharla Sharma. She's evil (oops, that's what happens when I don't get to pick the daddy) and a heavy sleeper. I'm not worried. Just look at that sweet smile.

Rachel and Menuchah still aren't doing much at all. Maybe I shouldn't have let them live so far out of town. But really, none of the single people are doing anything or going anywhere. At least Menuchah is working a little bit on her gardening, and Rachel has level 1 logic and athletic, and level 2 handiness.

Menuchah found a Nifty Hippy Van in her garage

Ronnie being Ronnie

Friday, November 13, 2009

Babies already! Guess who had the first one??

Some of you will only need ONE guess! *devlish laughter*

Yesterday and today I spent one sim day with each household.

Menuchah spent most of the day gardening and reached level 2. I think this is good progress because it's a big garden and it takes a long time.

I found Rachel paying a visit to Max's house. They were getting along well until he got a little too friendly and offered her a compliment that she found a bit forward. She had to make a drink at his bar to fortify herself. I don't know what was in that drink but ... let's just say I made her unclog his toilet for him since she's the one who caused it to need unclogging. Being handy comes in ... handy.

I let her take the handiness class she wanted, which killed two wishes with one stone and put her at level 2. She then wanted to READ about handiness - girl has a one track mind - so I sent her to the reading room. When I left she was at handiness level 3 and logic 1. I was wrong about her logic level before. That must have been the game that crashed. Happens all the time. I had her hire a maid because it occurred to me that a rich girl like her would have one. She should have a cook and butler too, but you can't have everything.

When I visited William's house, he was gone and there were three game generated squatters living there. I have no idea what happened there. I let them stay for now because if I leave the house empty, story progression will just move more squatters in - I think that's how it works, isn't it? I can always kick them out later.

Becky wanted to take a charisma class and then use her newfound skills on somebody, so I sent her to the pub where she met Rachel and Sam. Tyler was there, but they didn't introduce themselves.

I let her use her charming introduction on Sam (why waste it on a woman?) and his reaction cracked me up.

AJ is engaged to Sam, and pregnant. That's pretty fast work, even for you, Sam. I moved her in with Sammy because her house is way too small, and redecorated his second bedroom as a nursery. If I'd been thinking, I'd have given Sam a big house knowing he'd need one. lol.

I sent him to the bookstore for some pregnancy books and kids' books. I fulfilled some more skill wishes and sent them to the classes they wanted.

Preparing for baby

 I just  took this next screenshot because I'd never seen a sim sit that way.

 And these ... well, these were just too cute not to.

I found William living with Wyatt. Wyatt's pretty impressive. Though they're barely acquainted, he already knows every single fact he can know about William. I fulfilled their skill/education wishes too: athletics for Wyatt and guitar for William.

What Ronnie wanted was to learn the writing skill. Odd, because the career he wants is in music. I'm not getting jobs for any of them unless or until I'm forced to. I want to see if they'll do it on their own. I found it amusing that he has a very nice house but drive the Big Lemon.

Then he wanted to go to the Octagon House Historical Museum and Art Gallery. There were a couple of other people there, but they weren't MY sims, so I didn't nudge him to introduce himself. He fell into conversation with one of squatters Daniel Wang, on his own. I saw another new one walking by outside. I bet he moved into AJ's old house. I'll find out later. Ronnie does love his art. He stayed there the rest of the day. He was extremely appreciative and excited. I can't say he has discriminating taste, though. He was just as excited about the movie posters and the plant in the window as he was about the paintings.

Aside from a brief panic attack, he enjoyed his day hugely.

Ronnie now has a wish to write a novel, so I bought him a computer. We'll find out next time if he'll figure out what to do with it.

You hear funny things when you listen to the sims. One of the "others" in the art gallery, who was out of sight but not out of hearing, said something that  sounded like "Oh... darn!" and a few moments later "Yeah, baby!"

Max had an unemployed woman and two small children, none of whom are related, living with him. I kicked them all out because this is getting ridiculous. Besides, he doesn't have enough bedrooms for all those people and they're not kicking the poor guy out of his own bed. I felt a little bit bad about kicking out young children. For a second.

That makes me remember something I read on the forums about story progression: that it's not the number of empty houses that governs random sims moving in, but rather the number of empty beds. Single bed - one sim  moves in, double bed - two sims move in. That theory isn't entirely borne out by my observation, as Max has a double bed and a single: sleeping room for three, yet there were four people in his house. Still, I can test the basic theory of sim-magnetic beds vs. sim-magnetic houses by deleting the extra adult beds from "my" sims houses until they're actually needed.

Time for a gratuitous screenshot. I couldn't resist because, to quote the movie Thelma and Louise, "There he goes. Yep. That' s him going. I loooooove to watch him go."

He wanted to take an athletic class, but there was a concert going on and class wasn't being held that day. Sorry, Max. Instead, he did a workout to the TV and got his own athletic level.

He went to a computer chatroom and met Larry, one of the squatters who moved into William's old house. I'll have to start being more respectful to Larry. He has married Becky (didn't see THAT coming) and taken the name Sharma. If I continue the current pattern of rotation, I won't visit Becky for several sim days, but I don't like (happily) married couples living apart, so I moved  him in with her. Want to place bets about there being a baby when next I get around to them?

He went to bed, got up again to get some ice cream, changed his mind and went back to bed, got up again and got the ice cream. I know how that feels, buddy.

I'm noticing something else about these sims. I made sure most of them had at least two bedrooms (for when they start having families), and every single one of them goes to sleep in the smaller bedroom, not the nicer master bedroom.

Tyler and Talia are up next and  you'll see why I'm doing them together. They've not only met since last I saw them, they have a baby! I guess they both finally got out of their houses after all! Ahem.

Their little girl is named Stephanie. She's friendly and brave. Tyler's house is better furnished and a little roomier than Talia's, so I moved her in with him and did the usual baby redecorating.

When  I heard Tyler say "Hmmmm!" in a wolfish way, I had to zoom in quick to see what he was doing. Yes, he's looking exactly where you think he is. No wonder she's ... pregnant again!

His first wish was to snuggle his baby, which I thought was sweet. The rest of the day was spent taking care of Stephanie and playing with her, reading pregnancy books, and hanging out at home.

They are soooooo smitten!

Poor Lexie started her day with no job, no skills, and no friends, but at least she's acquainted with AJ. She was also hungry, sleepy, and needed to pee, I don't know what that girl's been doing with herself,

I toned down the volume on that bright yellow dress and tweaked her hair shade and makeup slightly. She's one of the sims I made as an experiment and uploaded as an afterthought, so her clothes could stand some tweaking. Some of the houses and sims I downloaded prior to starting this game came with custom/premium content, so of course I have to try some of it out.

She wanted charisma for her skill class, so when she woke up again around noon and after a breakfast of ice cream, off she went to class. I've noticed that a lot of these sims opt for quick meals and juice rather than cook.

While she was in class I looked around for a public lot to send her to to do some socializing. The only person I saw out and about was Wyatt at the pub, so I sent her there.

I wouldn't have pictured her as a bike rider, but she certainly seems to enjoy it.

She was still hungry, so I made her go inside and have some soup so she could learn to eat her veggies.

She's checking Wyatt out. Whether anything will come of it only time will tell. Aside from that, she's being a total wallflower. I was hard to keep my hands off her and ler live her life at her own speed.

That's it for now. I can't believe how long it took. Sorry there weren't more screenshots, but not everybody was doing something worth taking a picture of.

Next time we'll check in on those babies.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Taking census

Moving day.

I'll be quickly checking on everybody to make sure they're settling in to their houses and are showing signs of life.

Menuchah Muleskinner

I moved her into the house with the huge garden because she loves the outdoors and has a green thumb. When I looked in, she had already found the garden and was happily getting all wet and dirty. Good girl, working on your skills already. I interrupted her fun to send her to City Hall for a name change. Since, in my game, she has never married Stanley Lothario, she'll be reverting to her maiden name. She spied Becky Sharma coming out of the bookstore, but Becky was on her way home and wouldn't stop.

When she got home, she was already tired of gardening, and got comfy for a nice long read while listening to music. Nothing more to do with her right now, so I'll move on.

Rachel Thorpe

I had World Adventures in the back of my mind when I was making Rachel, so she turned into a Lara Croft wannabe. To support her backstory, I moved her into the big mansion on the hill and gave her extra money and a sports car. She was playing chess and showed no interest in doing anything else for a while. She's already level 2 at logic.

William Manchester

This is one of the guys I got from the "Manly Enough For Ya?" thread on the forums. He had no last name, so I dubbed him William Manchester. He's also one of the ones I had to partly dress. About half my guys showed up in CAS wearing the same shirt. Even without the custom skin, he's still good looking and more realistic than most sims I see. He checked himself out in the mirror for a while and then settled down with a book. As incredibly photogenic as he is, he was hard to get a screenshot of because he keeps looking up at the ceiling as he walks. You'd think he'd trip.

Becky Sharma

I found Becky jogging down the street on her way to have a bit to eat at the diner. It was a long, long, LONG jog. She had the new car smell moodlet, so she must have a car. Maybe she just likes to jog. I'm happy to see she's going to be one of those sims who's always out doing something without being told. Note: I think she was wearing her everyday clothes, so I suppose she wasn't technically "jogging." Whatever.

AJ Anderson

I found her playing chess at the pub, which is just down the block from her house. Obviously, she and Rachel need to meet so they can play together. Note: I don't like taking screenshots while they're playing chess, because it's hard to get anything but ugly facial expressions.

(note to Dee: AJ only has 3 traits. Is that normal for her?)

Wyatt Walker

Wyatt was settling right in. He went inside to play computer games. His social bar is halfway down, so maybe he'll go out for a walk soon and meet somebody. He lives just down the street from AJ, so maybe they'll meet at the pub.

Ronnie Rausage

Ronnie was standing outside the hospital when I looked for him. I don't know why. While I watched, he freaked out for no apparent reason. He's neurotic, so he may be doing that a lot. Then he pulled out a book and read it standing there. I think I'd better leave him alone for a while.

Max Staple

Max was on his way out to eat, too. Then he suddenly changed his mind and took a cab home to eat ice cream instead. I left him there because it's already evening and I still have several people to check on.

Tyler Townsend

Tyler, who lives next door to Max, was just standing there when I peeked at him. The stereo was on, though, and he had the entertained moodlet, so he must have been chilling out to some good tunes. He discovered a foosball table upstairs. I think he likes his new house.

Talia Dean

Talia lives near Max and Tyler. Her house is the plainest one so far, but it's furnshed with the basics. I picked houses at random when moving them in without regard to who had better stuff. I upgraded some of her appliances and bed because I felt bad that most of her neighbors have much nicer things. I found her checking out her new kitchen and then heading for a good book. I also bought her an easel because she's artistic and needs a fun object besides the bookshelf.

Sam Grant
Sammy was returning home from the stadium. He doesn't have a job yet, so he must have been taking the tour or maybe watching a game. Rotating through the men, I'm noticing a lot of them are athletic and charismatic. I may end up with an entire ready-made soccer team and no men in any other profession! I obviously picked these sims for their looks and appeal, not for a wide variety of traits. He had some soup and went to bed.

Sam is living in my house Lillehave (lille have means small garden in Danish), although I don't know why since he'll probably never make use of the garden. I put a ceiling on his house because I when I made it I didn't know about adding ceilings, and a house without one makes for crappy screenhots. He's doing okay otherwise.

Lexie Alexander
Lexie was happily playing computer games. She no longer has the same hair I created her with because I had done a housecleaning and got rid of almost all my cc, though I didn't have much to begin with. I let her keep the hair she defaulted to because I like it even better on her.