Thursday, November 12, 2009

Taking census

Moving day.

I'll be quickly checking on everybody to make sure they're settling in to their houses and are showing signs of life.

Menuchah Muleskinner

I moved her into the house with the huge garden because she loves the outdoors and has a green thumb. When I looked in, she had already found the garden and was happily getting all wet and dirty. Good girl, working on your skills already. I interrupted her fun to send her to City Hall for a name change. Since, in my game, she has never married Stanley Lothario, she'll be reverting to her maiden name. She spied Becky Sharma coming out of the bookstore, but Becky was on her way home and wouldn't stop.

When she got home, she was already tired of gardening, and got comfy for a nice long read while listening to music. Nothing more to do with her right now, so I'll move on.

Rachel Thorpe

I had World Adventures in the back of my mind when I was making Rachel, so she turned into a Lara Croft wannabe. To support her backstory, I moved her into the big mansion on the hill and gave her extra money and a sports car. She was playing chess and showed no interest in doing anything else for a while. She's already level 2 at logic.

William Manchester

This is one of the guys I got from the "Manly Enough For Ya?" thread on the forums. He had no last name, so I dubbed him William Manchester. He's also one of the ones I had to partly dress. About half my guys showed up in CAS wearing the same shirt. Even without the custom skin, he's still good looking and more realistic than most sims I see. He checked himself out in the mirror for a while and then settled down with a book. As incredibly photogenic as he is, he was hard to get a screenshot of because he keeps looking up at the ceiling as he walks. You'd think he'd trip.

Becky Sharma

I found Becky jogging down the street on her way to have a bit to eat at the diner. It was a long, long, LONG jog. She had the new car smell moodlet, so she must have a car. Maybe she just likes to jog. I'm happy to see she's going to be one of those sims who's always out doing something without being told. Note: I think she was wearing her everyday clothes, so I suppose she wasn't technically "jogging." Whatever.

AJ Anderson

I found her playing chess at the pub, which is just down the block from her house. Obviously, she and Rachel need to meet so they can play together. Note: I don't like taking screenshots while they're playing chess, because it's hard to get anything but ugly facial expressions.

(note to Dee: AJ only has 3 traits. Is that normal for her?)

Wyatt Walker

Wyatt was settling right in. He went inside to play computer games. His social bar is halfway down, so maybe he'll go out for a walk soon and meet somebody. He lives just down the street from AJ, so maybe they'll meet at the pub.

Ronnie Rausage

Ronnie was standing outside the hospital when I looked for him. I don't know why. While I watched, he freaked out for no apparent reason. He's neurotic, so he may be doing that a lot. Then he pulled out a book and read it standing there. I think I'd better leave him alone for a while.

Max Staple

Max was on his way out to eat, too. Then he suddenly changed his mind and took a cab home to eat ice cream instead. I left him there because it's already evening and I still have several people to check on.

Tyler Townsend

Tyler, who lives next door to Max, was just standing there when I peeked at him. The stereo was on, though, and he had the entertained moodlet, so he must have been chilling out to some good tunes. He discovered a foosball table upstairs. I think he likes his new house.

Talia Dean

Talia lives near Max and Tyler. Her house is the plainest one so far, but it's furnshed with the basics. I picked houses at random when moving them in without regard to who had better stuff. I upgraded some of her appliances and bed because I felt bad that most of her neighbors have much nicer things. I found her checking out her new kitchen and then heading for a good book. I also bought her an easel because she's artistic and needs a fun object besides the bookshelf.

Sam Grant
Sammy was returning home from the stadium. He doesn't have a job yet, so he must have been taking the tour or maybe watching a game. Rotating through the men, I'm noticing a lot of them are athletic and charismatic. I may end up with an entire ready-made soccer team and no men in any other profession! I obviously picked these sims for their looks and appeal, not for a wide variety of traits. He had some soup and went to bed.

Sam is living in my house Lillehave (lille have means small garden in Danish), although I don't know why since he'll probably never make use of the garden. I put a ceiling on his house because I when I made it I didn't know about adding ceilings, and a house without one makes for crappy screenhots. He's doing okay otherwise.

Lexie Alexander
Lexie was happily playing computer games. She no longer has the same hair I created her with because I had done a housecleaning and got rid of almost all my cc, though I didn't have much to begin with. I let her keep the hair she defaulted to because I like it even better on her.


  1. Excellent! I actually like Sims better without the custom skins so I'm glad to see what William Manchester looks without it. Lexie looks adorable with her new hairstyle!

    That's a great pic of Menuchah. She's so pretty.

    I love Rachel's Lara Croft vibe. I'm really looking forward to WA and seeing what how the new personality traits affect our sims. And don't forget adventure, mummies and frisky frenchmen!

  2. Nice update. I want Rachel! She's great.

    I grabbed 2 of rflong's Sims from your thread. Christian isn't quite as hot without his CC but he's still a very handsome Sim.

    Note on Sam, with that personality, he will do very well in politics. They need charisma. And Sam is ambitious so he needs either promotions or skill building so he is advancing in something. Which means that he may surprise you about that garden.

  3. Funny that you mention Sam and politics. In my Marta game he indeed started a career in politics on his own. He has to work with Vita Alto but I have no doubt he can handle her easily. He also got a girlyfriend and a baby all by himself, too. It wasn't a hookup I expected but they seem very happy.

  4. Chrysame....cruel, that is very cruel. Sam has already found love + a baby? But who? Who?

  5. PiB - you don't want to see how she holds up in actual play? lol. You do trust me, don't you? haha. I'll upload Rachel just for you. ;P

    I'm hoping they'll all get jobs on their own, but thanks for letting me know about Sam and politics, in case he needs a nudge.

  6. Boy, I wish this blog would let you edit your own comments.

    I uploaded Rachel Thorpe. She has "ponytail and ribbon" hair from the EA store, but I didn't give her any other cc or premium items *that I know of*. Premium and cc stuff creeps into CAS and I don't know where it comes from.

    The difference between her everyday and formal outfits is kind of shocking, but that's meant to reflect her Lara Croft persona: brainy, sophisticated, but a tomboy adventurer at heart. I'd given her a posh suit for a second everyday outfit, but I've read that they won't upload with multiple outfits, so I took that one away.

    Her traits are Brave, Friendly, Genius, Handy, Perfectionist. Her LTW is to be a creature-robot crossbreeder because I wanted her in the science track. I had to tweak her traits a bit to get a science option. They can, of course, be changed when you take her out of the bin.

  7. I'm really looking forward to all this. Enjoying it already.

    Yes, I only gave AJ three traits. I was experimenting when I made her. I later changed her hair to a very short dark style and liked her a lot better.
    I am thinking of making one with no traits at all just to see what kind of life they will lead and what kind of wishes they will have.

  8. LOL William Manchester is certianly rough and ready if you know what I mean. *cough*

    Your sims are gorgeous! Heh at Rachel the Lara Croft wannabe :)

    I can't wait for my daughter to get home from school so I can show her Becky! Imagine squeals and giggles and lots of jumping up and down. LOL :)

    I am glad you doing this Sue, I absolutely love the way you write!

  9. Oh I forgot... LOL @ Ronnie... I am sure he will be entertaining.

    I can't believe your simmies just jumped in and started skilling by themselves straight away!

    You right about no ceilings making for crappy shots... it is amazing how many default houses just don't have them. I have a problem with the house that Eve moved into though. It is that 3 story apartment type default house in SV.
    The 3rd floor looks down onto the second so there is some parts that have no ceiling and when you take screenshots from the second floor, you see the sky... I am not sure how to fix it, if indeed one can fix it all.

  10. It's such a pain sometimes to get a good screenshot. But I like a challenge. Worsiedog, try this and see if it works: Put all walls and ceilings up, all the way to the top floor. Press TAB to go into cameraman mode. Now use Q key to lower the camera back down inside the house. E to raise the camera and WASD to move around, < > to rotate. I think this will let you look up without having to see sky.

  11. THANKS SUE!!!!

    I use all those commands, but I never had the *lightbulb* moment to use them with wall up all the way to the ceiling! I will try it when I visit the household next time.
